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South Africa
South Africa man wearing hat looking at landscape

Best time to visit South Africa

Climate and weather

Best time to travel & weather guide in South Africa

In South Africa the seasons are exactly the opposite of ours, which simply means that during our winter months it is summer in South Africa. The best time to visit South Africa is during our summer months, more specifically between May and September, when you’ll experience peak conditions for seeing wildlife in the north and avoid South African peak travel month (December & January)

Despite its vast size, the temperature differences between the different areas are minimal. South Africa experiences an average temperature of 25°C,  and without many great differences between winter and summer, you don’t have to take the weather too heavily into account when planning your South Africa holiday.

Travelling to South Africa during the winter months

South Africa is a great place to travel all year round, but December and January are the high season. During these months, South Africans have their summer holidays, which are often spent in their own country. Kruger National Park, Drakensberg and the Garden Route are particularly popular. Accommodation can fill up quickly during this period, so we recommend that you book in advance.

South Africa man standing in Drakensberg landscape
Woman stood amongst mountainous landscape lake in distance

Our summer months

If you travel during our summer months, you’ll have the best conditions for wildlife spotting in your safari, and a much better chance to spot the mighty whales. Despite it being winter in South Africa, you’ll only need to pack an extra jumper or coat as it can cool down considerably in the evening and at night.

If you’d prefer to travel to South Africa without the crowds, we recommend choosing to visit during spring or autumn, when the temperature is nice and pleasant and it is a lot quieter. Autumn is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the Garden Route in full bloom.