Health and Safety advice for your travels
Health and safety standards in every destination that we sell will be regulated and managed according to local laws and expectations. Most importantly these do not always match the very high standards we are accustomed to in the UK. Usually, common sense will prevail in ensuring you have a safe, healthy and enjoyable holiday with us but nevertheless we recommend that you follow a few precautionary safety procedures which we have summarised below.
Consult your GP or Travel Health Clinic
It is essential that you visit your GP or Travel Health clinic before booking and travelling to ensure you have taken all of the necessary health precautions for your holiday. It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of all recommended vaccinations and health precautions in good time before departure.
Please ensure you consult your doctor if you have reason to believe you may be susceptible to Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). Most airlines now offer advice on how to stay active during your flight. If your itinerary includes high-altitude trekking exceeding 10,000 feet (3,048 metres) you should also consult your GP for advice on altitude sickness or other related problems.
Information on health is available from the Department of Health website. Other health information services are available, including www.nathnac.net and www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office publishes regularly updated travel information on its website which you are recommended to consult before booking and in good time before departure. Up to date, detailed health and safety advice per destination can be found here.
Tips when on holiday
It’s important that you try to maintain a good level of health while you are travelling and when in doubt, consult a doctor. If you have language problems you can ask our local partners for assistance.
Jet lag: when your biological clock is confused by flying through different time zones, your body has to adjust to a new biorhythm for the first few days after your flight. During which time you can feel tired in the day and awake at night. It’s generally recommended that you drink limited amounts of coffee or alcohol during the flight, and upon arrival don’t demand too much of your body for the first couple of days. It’s also handy to get into the new sleeping pattern as quickly as possible.
Sunstroke: can be prevented simply by wearing a hat and sunglasses and drinking plenty of water. Always try and keep a bottle of water with you, especially if you’re off the beaten track and unlikely to come across drinking water. If you suspect sunstroke (feeling light-headed, headaches), you can prevent it from getting worse by drinking water and finding somewhere in the shade to rest.
Skincare: Always use a high factor suntan lotion on exposed skin, even during the rainy season. Snorkelling in a T-shirt is a wise idea as even waterproof suntan lotion washes off after a while.
Cuts and insect bites: If you cut or scratch yourself whilst away, keep a close eye on them. Clean them with disinfectant and keep them covered with a plaster during the day. Don’t scratch mosquito bites, they’re infuriating, but it only makes them worse.
You can avoid attracting biting insects by wearing light coloured clothing, especially in the evening. If you’re prone to skin irritations, wear cotton or linen clothing, and you can help avoid prickly heat by using talcum powder after your morning shower.
Wash or disinfect your hands after using the toilet, and don’t bite your nails. We would recommend taking a small bottle of anti-bacterial hand gel with you.