Getting around Greece
General informationGet on the open road and explore Greece at your own pace with our self-drive family holidays. We will book your car, along with any ferries or transfers you might need to get around and then you are free to explore. This freedom allows you to stop wherever and whenever you like along the way. We have a range of cars, from small to large depending on the size of your family and itinerary.
Driving Licence
As long as you have a full UK driving license, we will be able to hire your car for you without the need for an International Driving Permit, however you must carry your license with you at all times. For the most up to date information about driving abroad head over to the UK Government website.
Hire Car Options
There are different sizes and types of vehicles available to hire depending on how many of you will be travelling. Here is an overview of the different types of vehicle we offer:

Fiat Panda or equivalent
- 4-door
- manual
- air conditioning
- luggage: 2 small suitcase

Economy Plus
Nissan Note or equivalent
- 4-door
- manual
- air conditioning
- luggage: 2 suitcases

Opel Corsa or equivalent
- 4-door
- manual
- air conditioning
- luggage: 2 suitcases and 1 small bag

Comfort – Automatic
Peugeot 208 or equivalent
- 4-door
- automatic
- air conditioning
- luggage: 2 suitcases