Best time to visit Cuba
General informationThe climate in Cuba is sub-tropical with cool trade winds providing some relief from the heat and humidity. The average year-round temperature is approximately 26°C and there’s plenty of sunshine. The climate in Cuba makes it a very pleasant holiday destination at almost any time in the year and a favourite for the Rickshaw team! Read on below to find out the best time to visit Cuba to suit your holiday plans!

We recommend…
If you’re not sure when to travel to Cuba, we’d recommend December to April when it’s dry and sunny. Between June and October you can expect to see a few tropical rain showers. This shouldn’t bother you too much though as there are many festivals happening over these months where dancing in the rain could be a real experience!

A note about the hurricane season…
The official hurricane season runs from July to mid-November, throughout the Caribbean. September and October are usually the most active months for hurricanes and tropical storms. In the Cuba climate, years of inactivity usually alternate with years of active hurricane seasons but you shouldn’t let it put you off travelling – just be aware things could get a little blustery!