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Rickshaw Travel

Accommodation in Borneo

Jungle lodges on the edge of the Kinabatangan River, beach bungalows on paradise islands and modern city hotels all make up our Borneo accommodation. Wherever we can, we use authentic small scale accommodation so you can get a real flavour of the areas you’re visiting. As many Asian hotels can’t be compared in terms of star rating to that in Europe, we have created our own categories which are described below to help you get an idea of the accommodation you can expect during your trip.

In Style Accommodation – Category 4

Our In Style accommodation offers you either a unique view of your surroundings or a little something extra in terms of atmosphere or quality of facilities. Our beach resort just outside Kota Kinabalu is a great example of this category.

Standard Accommodation – Category 3

Small scale charm, cleanliness and a great location are the top priorities for this category and this includes most of the accommodation that we offer. You could be staying on a tropical island in a wooden bungalow or in a bustling city hotel.

Simple Accommodation – Category 2

Sometimes, when deciding where to stay in Borneo, the accommodation isn’t as important as what you’ll experience. Our simple accommodation category offers you modest, yet reasonably comfortable accommodation options in fantastic locations. When you choose our tours in Sabah you’ll spend a couple of nights in a lodge on the banks of the Kinabatangan River. Although the rooms are simple, they have everything you’ll need during your stay.

Basic Accommodation – Category 1

In this category, you’ll be going back to basics. When you’re on our Borneo trek you’ll be spending the night in a traditional longhouse. Sleeping on a mattress on the floor with a mosquito net, the bathrooms and showers are shared with other travellers. But spending the night in a longhouse gives you a real insight into the lifestyle of the Iban jungle tribe and although basic, it really is an unforgettable experience.