Team Rickshaw Cleans the Beach
BlogAmazing what gets left behind – broken glass, plastic bottles and cups, bits of old rope, sweet wrappers, plastic scraps, cigarette butts and roll-up filters, beer-bottle tops, condoms, take-away cutlery, planks of wood, even a whole barbeque (which on reflection would have been better kept separate from the rest of our spoils as it turned out to be still smouldering)!
We arrived back at base with a satisfyingly hefty booty. Surprising, as at first glance the beach really didn’t appear to be so litter-strewn. We covered over 2 miles of the beach and collected around 10kg of rubbish, even running out of bags. It was gratifying to see so many people from lots of different local businesses turn out to support the clean (more than 30 in total) – good job everyone!

Great too to learn a bit more about the local sea life – it turns out that some of the scraps of ‘plastic’ we collected were in fact mermaid’s purses. I’d not heard of these but apparently these are skate, ray and shark egg cases and resemble pieces of black big bags until you look a little closer.
Naturally we returned them to the beach – we’re a responsible lot!