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Man on a bridge

Share the love: our top Travel Bloggers

We love a good travel blog here at Rickshaw Travel. We keep our beady eyes out for updates from our favourites, and since launching our very own blog last year we have taken inspiration from talented writers from across the globe, each documenting their own adventures in different styles. Here are a few top travel blogs that we’ll be following in 2012… Happy reading!

No Place to Be

Poi and Kirsty are an English couple in their twenties who began travelling around China and South East Asia in 2010. Currently living in Bangkok, Kirsty spends her time teaching English, while Poi dedicates his time to their travel blog, ‘No Place To Be.’ NPTB offers an insightful commentary on the life of a young travelling couple as they document their exciting journey through China, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia and Vietnam. NPTB is what every travel blog should be; interesting, insightful and brutally honest; from ‘Lessons of the Road,’ to ‘Random Traveller Interviews’ and much more in between.


Couple on the beach
Dad and son

1 Dad, 1 Kid, 1 Crazy Adventure

This blog details the journey of a man and his 9 year old son on their two year journey around south and Central America. There are posts from both father and son (Tigger), who often contributes snippets such as poems, and thoughts about his adventures. It’s a refreshing take on living life outside of the parameters of social norms and is often quite inspiring and touching.

http://1dad1kid.com/ @1Dad1Kid

Y Travel Blog

Originally from Australia, Caz and Craig have been travelling and living around the world since 1997 and have visited over 35 countries. Some of their top experiences include trekking to see gorillas in Uganda, doing a walking safari in Kruger Park, South Africa and climbing Mount Bromo on Java in Indonesia. Having scrapped the life of 9-5, they now continue to travel with their two young daughters, Kalyra and Savannah.

Offering a colourful, inspiring and honest insight into all things travel, ‘ytravelblog’ is born from Caz and Craig’s personal travel experience and passion for globe-trotting. It shares stories, photographs and memories, on top of offering helpful advice for other travel bloggers and providing tips and inspiration.

http://www.ytravelblog.com/travel-blog/ @yTravelBlog

Man with sharks

Man Vs. Clock

In 2010, Anthony set a one year timer. His mission during this countdown was to set himself the exciting and daring task of leaving his life in England behind and booking a one-way ticket to begin his globe-trotting journey and satisfy his wanderlust. Unlike many other blogs, Man VS Clock is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about travel and, as Anthony puts it:

“In order to be different from the array of great travel blogs out there, I’m mixing travel with personal development. I do this by announcing challenges against the clock; scary or uncomfortable challenges, hoping to inspire you to punch your comfort-zone in the head!”

http://manvsclock.com/ @ManVsClock

The Adventures of D

‘What happens when you turn 30, and realize the life you are living, which is the life you had always dreamed of living, is no longer the life you want to live?’. For some, hitting 30 is tough. For Diana Edelman, this milestone forced her re-evaluate her life and embark on a new direction, involving travelling the world. The Adventures of D is an award-winning blog and it is easy to see why. The pictures are stunning, and the text compelling, leaving you hungry for more.

http://www.dtravelsround.com/ @DTravelsRound

Woman in glasses