Experience the world from your sofa | Part 6
Dance to Buena Vista Social Club
Exercising releases chemical endorphins in your body which trigger positive feelings, making you feel good and reduce any feelings of stress. Dancing is a fun way of exercising, especially because you really can dance like no one is watching in your own home!
Buena Vista Social Club’s Cuban inspired music is the perfect choice for losing yourself in melody. Reminding you of holidays spent in sunny destinations, everyone here at Rickshaw encourages you to turn up the music and have yourself a little dance party. We guarantee you’ll feel so much better after.

An Idiot Abroad
This Sky One comedy travelogue will have you in stitches. Comedians Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant send reluctant Karl Pilkington (who doesn’t like travelling) to visit the Seven Wonders of the World. The result of this does not disappoint, you’ll be revelling in Karl’s misery as he is sent to some questionable places, and you’ll laugh at every grumpy (but witty) comment he makes. The more Karl suffers, the more entertaining this show gets – it’s comedy gold!
Encounters at the End of the World
De-stress while watching this beautiful yet funny documentary about filmmaker, Werner Herzog, who travels to Antarctica to capture the continent’s beauty and investigates the characters living there. Accompanying Herzog are eccentric scientists and travellers from all over the world, which make the film quirky and entertaining, distancing itself from your average science documentary.
Fall in love with the continent and add it to your best travel movie list.

Learn a new language with Duolingo
We know travel plans are still on hold, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get prepared. With all the extra time at home why not start learning a new language? Knowing even a few words or phrases can be extremely helpful when you do travel to new countries.
Duolingo is an entertaining and efficient app that will have you perfecting a language of your choice in no time. Use this time to upskill and get ready to impress all your friends when you see them next.
Calling all sweet-toothed people! We’re pretty sure that chocolate brings many people happiness, so that’s why we bring you a recipe recommended by our website specialist, Jitender.
“These chocolate melt-in-the-mouth delights are a naughty (but delicious) pudding, a firm favourite with everyone in my household! Indulge & enjoy.”
Hot Chocolate Soufflé
For the hot chocolate sauce:
142ml pot single cream
25g caster sugar
100g dark chocolate
(70% cocoa), broken into pieces
25g butter
For the soufflés:
Melted butter for greasing
50g caster sugar, plus 2 tbsp extra
175g dark chocolate
(70% cocoa), broken into pieces
2 tbsp double cream
4 egg yolks
5 egg whites
2 tbsp double cream
Icing sugar, to serve
- Heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7 and place a baking tray on the top shelf. For the sauce, heat the cream and sugar until boiling. Remove from the heat, stir in the chocolate and butter until melted, then keep warm.
- Brush 6 x 150ml ramekins with melted butter, sprinkle with the 2 tbsp caster sugar, then tip out any excess. Melt the chocolate and cream in a bowl over a pan of simmering water, cool, then mix in the egg yolks. Whisk the egg whites until they hold their shape, then add the sugar, 1 tbsp at a time, whisking back to the same consistency. Mix a spoonful into the chocolate, then gently fold in the rest.
- Working quickly, fill the ramekins, wipe the rims clean and run your thumb around the edges. Turn the oven down to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6, place the ramekins onto the baking tray, then bake for 8-10 mins until risen with a slight wobble. Don’t open the oven door too early as this may make them collapse.
- Once the soufflés are ready, dust with icing sugar, scoop a small hole from their tops, then pour in some of the hot chocolate sauce. Replace the lids and serve straight away.