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Best time to visit Albania

General information

The most popular time to travel to Albania is from May to September, with the hottest months being July and August, but peak season stretches from April to October. The spring months are perfect for hiking, with longer hours and abundance of blossoming trees. During the summer months the coast of Albania gets fairly busy, whilst autumn offers a quieter time with fewer tourists, snow-capped mountains and the sea is still warm from the summer months. In Albania climate varies significantly depending on the region, we have added a bit more details below.

The Albanian coast

The Albanian Riviera is blessed with the Mediterranean climate, meaning summers can get pretty hot, well into the 30s and winters are very mild. Tucked between the sea and the mountains, the coast gets its fair bit of rainfall throughout the winter months, starting from October. Summer months are dry and hot, with an occasional cool breeze from the sea and 10 hours of sunshine daily.

Inland Albania

As you move further from the coast and closer to the mountains, it gets significantly cooler. Even during the summer months evening here can get quite fresh, and snow is not uncommon in winter, and can still be seen on the mountain peaks in early spring and autumn. Winters here are cold and wet, but from May to October it’s a hikers paradise with mild climate and a welcome freshness.
