Digital Marketing ManagerI have been lucky to have started travelling from an early age, with yearly trips to Madeira, and living for a year in the US on an exchange programme at the age of 16. By the time I reached university the travel bug well and truly planted, and I continued to travel and live abroad as often as I could. I embarked on the biggest roadtrip of all when our little family went travelling for a year with our then 3 year old. I have since been lucky to work in travel which has taken me to India, Sri Lanka and Laos, and I’m excited to explore new destinations with Rickshaw Travel!

I travel for...

A great way to get under the skin of any country is through its cuisine, and a tasty way too! From learning the history of its regional dishes, the customs attached to the preparation of each meal to how to eat is always such a joy when travelling. I love sampling street food in night markets or a lowly-lit Isakaya, joining a queue of locals waiting for a steaming bowl of noodles, and even just going to a local supermarket (make it a 7-eleven in Japan)! Nothing makes me quite as happy as tucking into a great plate of food whilst watching the (local) world go by.
Road trips & train rides
I’m firmly in the camp of the journey is just as rewarding as the destination, and travelling by car or train are a great way to explore a country. It allows for spontaneity and unplanned adventures; pit stops in unknown villages and connections you would miss all together if jumping on a plane.

I love balancing out time exploring bustling cities with some peace and quiet in the countryside. From hikes in National Parks, to jumping on a boat to watch the ever-changing landscapes or just exploring new beaches to find just the right spot for a bit of relaxation – getting back to nature is the perfect tonic to properly disconnect from our busy lives.