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Email us at hello@rickshawtravel.co.uk

Opening hours:

Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm

Saturdays – Sundays: closed

Bank Holidays: 9am – 2pm

Beach sun


Managing Director

I escaped the rat race of the television industry and ran for the hills. Literally. The hills of Thailand, where I started my first backpacking adventure in my early twenties. I returned home 3 years later having worked in Australia and seen, smelt, experienced and endured things I could only dream about whilst sardined on a packed Tube at 7.15am. Upon my return, I made the move in to the travel industry where working on a product I truly believe in has been highly rewarding, not to mention challenging at times. I joined Rickshaw Travel in 2011 because they dared to be different and stood out in a very congested travel market. This has served us well. We believe in our purpose, as a meaningful holiday company and a great place to work, to put people first and this approach is what makes me come in to work with a smile on my face…..most of the time!

Rickshaw destinations I’ve been to:

Borneo | Cambodia | Cuba | India | Indonesia | Laos | Malaysia | Thailand | Vietnam

Next stop: 

Considering Morocco or Sri Lanka with my family

Lloyd with mountain landscape behind

I travel for...


Despite being blessed with a great variety of food in the UK, there is nothing like eating a freshly fried samosa from a street vendor in a Mumbai alleyway, or buying Pad Thai from a cart in a bustling Bangkok street.  Not just the food but the ambience that goes with it, I find so addictive.   I find the cheaper the food the better it is!  Move aside overpriced western-style hotels, and embrace what the locals eat. Try it you might just like it (NB pigs intestines are not recommended).

For travels sake

During my commute to work it is rare to hitch a lift in a Tuk-Tuk, or paddle serenely along on a bamboo raft, let alone jump in the back of an open top mini-bus.  It is even rarer to ride my camel to work and I can’t remember the last time I got a motorbike taxi into the office.  The pure adventure of actually travelling from A to B is a wonderful feeling and many an eventful story can be recalled just merely from the journey.  Finding myself on all different kinds of transport is what really makes me feel part of a destination.

Live my purpose!

Holidaying or travelling is so important to me I decided to make a career from it. I absolutely live for experiencing new people, culture, cuisine, scenery and the assault on the senses that it all brings.  It reminds me that there is more to life, to stay grounded and I find spending my hard earned cash on holiday is far more rewarding and memorable than anything else.